Sunday, April 4, 2010

Movie : God of Study

Now, i'm reveiwing a korean movie series with the tittle "God of Study". As i found out, actually this movie was adapted from japanese movie "Dragon Zakura". It tells about a lawyer named kang seok-ho that have a job from his bos to safe a high school named Byeong- mun that claimed have the stupidest students in the country so they can't go to a favourite university. The challenge for the lawyer is to make some students got accepted to a favourite university in the country so the school would not be dismissed.

Because the Kang seok-ho has an experience about the situation, which is he had been almost failed student. So, he got program named "special class". with master teacher from each one's field. Contain with five students only. It's not easy to convince students to get in the class, because they think they would never get in to a favourite university with their academical ability. But with personal approach, he can get 5 students in the class.

They struggle so hard until the end of lectures. And while they struggling they find what they really searching for in their life. Kang seok-ho very determine at the beginning but then he respect everyone's choice.

This movie shows us if we really trying so hard to get what we want, then we will get it. Never give up and never underestimate yourself.


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